Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Salchicha Sam

Dear Diary, 

Yesterday we cleaned allll of Salchicha Township hall. It was hard work. Wiping tables, emptying ash trays, and vacuuming floors. I did not like it. Luckily we had a group effort with a lot of neighbors there to help, the carpet is very clean, no more crumbs at all.

I didn't want to clean. I hate cleaning so I ran away to the farm. I saw our neighbor Jaxynn there visiting her favorite Salchicha Plant, Sam. Sam's fruits were bigger than all the other ones. Jaxynn visits him EVERY day.

She told me all about him, like how he's named after Sammy Hagar, who is his favorite musician.

Guess how they met, diary? She was on the farm and he was looking sad and wilty, and she watered him and made him get better! And now they're like best friends!! She basically saved his life, Diary.

I asked her if she was going to get to his fruits when they are big, and she told me about how she's going to spend their night together in a sleeping bag before harvest day. When he gets big, he is going to be spicy because the water she puts on him is spiked with habanero juice. And know what else about him, Diary? He's trying to save the world by making his siblings feed hungry people. He is the bravest plant I ever saw.

Then I told her about when I used to be afraid of plants, but then when I wouldnt go in the grass Nana locked me out and told me through the door that plants make air so I needed them to be alive. I read a lot of books about plants, and a lot more than Jaxynn has read because she didn't know plants made air when I told her, so I'm pretty good at science, Diary. Bye, I'm leaving now.

1 comment:

  1. Salchicha Sam will miss you while you're moving, Redd. We'll see you when you're all settled!
