Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Nowhere to put-put-put RC

Oh hi Rachel I knew you would call me eventually how are you?....


ReddNANA!!! NANA!! Nana! Rachel got a car for Christmas early from her "Estranged Dad"!! What a great guy I can't wait!!
Nana (her eye remaining on her stories on TV): That's really great, Reddgina....

Redd: We're going to go everywhere together now! We can go to the mall every day!! We're going to be best friends who travel the world together!!!
Nana: That's nice, mind the TV now.

Redd: I just can't wait to see it!!
Nana: Uh huh, mind the TV.

Redd: There it is!!!

Rachel (acting cool): Hey Redd.

Redd: RACHEL I'm so excited about your new car it's going to be so much fun we-... where's the back seat?
Rachel: It doesn't have one.

Redd: Are you sure though? I thought it had a back seat when I was in a car one time...

Rachel: Nope, not this baby. Don't need one.

Rachel: Just me and the open road now....Nooobody else......

Rachel: Welp, Bye RC! Got a lot of people to show this little dream bug to.
Engine starts and put-put-puts.

Redd (singing softly under her breath): Thereee goes my heroo.......

The Liliput Animated AO Car Gacha

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